Skincare Products for all skin types

Skincare Products for all skin types

With the rise of the Instagram Skincare shelfies (yes, that’s now a thing!) and influencers sharing what’s in their obviously curated bathroom cabinets it’s easy to think a good complexion comes only from more premium skincare products, shall we say.

But with drugstore brands constantly upping their game it literally couldn’t be further from the truth. With the possible reason for a lack of cheaper skincare on social media being they just aren’t as Instagram worthy! Budget skincare very much rivals more premium brands these days and while my own skincare routine consists of a mix of the both, I really believe you can achieve the complexion you want on any budget. 

Serum-like and non-descript this L’oreal product is definitely something that could easily be overlooked when in the market for new skincare. With no clear description or labelling of what it is (Boots call it a moisturiser on their website – it’s not), it doesn’t seem one of L’Oreal stronger products. However, it is in fact pretty damn great!

I’d personally describe this product as a hydrating serum, gliding over the skin before moisturiser to plump, refresh and hydrate. Quickly soaking into the skin with very little tackiness, it actually gives quite a silky feel, this is a product for all skin types. However, there are three versions available – normal to dry, sensitive and combination, although is should be noted my oily/combination skin type is totally happy with the normal to dry version.

For me, this is very similar to Vichy Aqualia Face Serum, similar in texture and results as it contains a good amount of hyaluronic acid to keep skin happy and hydrated. The one thing I wish L’Oreal would change about this product is the scent – god it’s awful! Think a teenage boys aftershave! Yes, I really haven’t a clue what they were thinking or why they have kept it. In fact, I’d be tempted to try the sensitive version in hope that the fragrance has been removed – here’s to hoping! Thankfully the scent doesn’t linger and the results and price are good enough to make it not a big deal!

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